Which Hottie Julius Caesar Assassin Are You?

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It's been said, "Beware the Ides of March." But that doesn't apply to YOU! You're not a victim, you're a perpetrator! And while people should fear you (especially that Caesar guy), they also can't stop checking you out. Because YOU. ARE. SO. HOT. Who doesn't like a bad boy? The question is - which hot(tie)-headed Julius Caesar killing Senator are you?

GayCo Productions (gayco.com) brings you this quiz to celebrate their annual month long March Fundraiser, the "FIVES of March". To see more fun March-related fun stuff and help us reach our goal, see the link below. Enjoy! (indiegogo.com/projects/fives-of-march-2014/x/6500997) GayCo Productions is a not-for-profit theatre ensemble that specializes in creating sketch-comedy revues based on gay/lesbian themes. Since starting as a lesbigay-focused workshop at the Second City Training Center in 1996, we've performed for massive, enthusiastic, sexy gay audiences in Chicago and across the country. GayCo is a 501(c)3, all donations are completely tax-deductible.

Created by: GayCo Productions

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  10. Your friend tells you a secret. What do you do with this information?

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Quiz topic: Which Hottie Julius Caesar Assassin am I?