Which Hoob are you?

This quiz is based off the wonderful program THE HOOBS. This was my entire childhood and when i wanted to learn which one i was i could not find a quiz. You must imagine how gut wrenching this was.

SO i made one because i am not lazy and am productive. K? K. So if you want to learn if you're hubba hubba or groove or tula or roma or iver or the irrelevant moterettes then play it!!! Personally love groove. Adios amors

Created by: Lucy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How sociable are you??
  2. Are you calm??
  3. Are you creative and in what way?
  4. Are you a leader? So are you authoritative?
  5. How would your friends describe you?
  6. Whats your favourite colour?
  7. What role are you in a group?
  8. What are you involved in with music?
  9. What is your favourite food out of these?
  10. Do you think more than you speak?
  11. Which is your spirit animal?
  12. Which element are you?
  13. Which colour out of these would you dye your hair?
  14. Which musical would you see?
  15. Most importantly, did you watch the hoobs?
  16. How athletic are you?
  17. Do you know you are annoying?
  18. Masculino y femenino?
  19. Whos your favourite downton abbey character??!!!?!!!??

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Quiz topic: Which Hoob am I?