Which Hogwarts house are you in? *RP* *LONG QUESTIONS/QUIZ*

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This quiz is based on the English author for Harry Potter. Copyright is not allowed. No remaking this quiz, please. Go along with the GoToQuiz rules..

This quiz is only for fun, but I made it as accurate as I could for serious people. I'm serious too, actually... Thank you! Tell me what I should do next!

Created by: BeeAnimations
  1. You've gotten your letter to join Hogwarts! Horray! How do you react?
  2. You are at Hogwarts Express! At least you aren't a Muggle! You get on the train, where do you sit?
  3. It's late at night, you made it to Hogwarts! You're in so much awe as you look at the castle-like building. You feel like an ant compared to it. You go inside and into the main hall, you wait to get called by the sorting hat, then finally it calls you. You sit down, nervous, what house do you want to be in?
  4. You've been sorted, and you go to all your classes the next day. You like one class- which class is it?
  5. As of question #4, which house do you DISLIKE?
  6. Somebody pranked you by throwing slugs in your FACE! What do you do afterward?
  7. It is a week later and you missed two of your classes. You got detention, what do you do?
  8. It is now year two! You find out you have a crush on someone. Who is it(Boys and girls- lgbtq+ aloud)
  9. You failed a quiz! What do you do?
  10. You have been asked to join Quidditch! Do you agree? If so, what spot are you in?
  11. I should have asked this during your 1st year, but who's your favorite teacher?
  12. Third-year has come! Neville Longbottom asked you out! What do you say?
  13. Somebody pushed you on the lands of the Whomping Willow! You almost got hit, but you ran before the tree could attack you. What do you do?
  14. You were crying one day because you couldn't handle what you've gone through. Somebody saw you crying and told the school to make fun of you! What do you do?
  15. Somebody made a rumor that you talk to a stuffed animal! What do you do?
  16. You have a pet that you forgot to get your first and second year. What animal is it?
  17. It is your 4th year. Do you join Triwizard Tournament?
  18. You are asked to the Yule Ball! Who is it?
  19. Do you say yes to the person who asked you?
  20. You had fun at the Yule Ball, but now it's your fifth year. You see a first-year getting bullied by third-years. What do you do?
  21. It is now your sixth year(sorry for so much year skipping, the quiz is getting long)! You got your face exploded by ruining a potion. Everyone laughed at you. How do you react?
  22. Somebody called you "Cinder-Face" because of your potions incident! What do you do?
  23. Somebody snogged(kiss and cuddle) you in front of the whole school! What do you do?
  24. You are now in your last year, the seventh year! Do you join in on the fight against Voldemort?
  25. (WARNING: Not for people whose soulmate died- like Fred)You survived the battle! You and your soulmate get together and have children! Are you happy?
  26. Last question! Sorry for the long wait! Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts house am I in? *RP* *LONG QUESTIONS/QUIZ*
