Which Hogwarts House Are You In?

The title says it all! This quiz is about what Hogwarts house would you be in.

Answer the following questions and you will find out!

Created by: Olivia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you like to learn while you are at Hogwarts?
  2. Dawn or Dusk?
  3. Favourite colour?
  4. Favourite animal?
  5. What would you like to learn most about
  6. What would you like to be when you are out of Hogwarts?
  7. Who is your favourite character? (twins count as one)
  8. What would your Patronus be?
  9. Favourite Potter child?
  10. What house would you like to be in? (Doesn't mean you will be in that house)

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I In? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Sorting Hat Quiz category.