Which Harvey Girl are you? (girls only!)

Have you ever wondered what Harvey girl you are? The show is really good!!! now, some nonsense words: hfuivuhvfehufvhuvfbhvfhfvbvfbbvfhujbfvhjubvbkjfvbjvfeh


Created by: QuizBaby666
  1. what do you do when you get home from school?
  2. Whats your favorite sound?
  3. What do you do at school when the teacher is talking?
  4. your science project:
  5. When you are in an argument and you know you are right, how can you convince the person you're arguing with that your right?
  6. Pick a halloween costume:
  7. What holiday would you create?
  8. What would you wear?
  9. Your favorie music is:
  10. And lastly....have you watched Harvey Girls Forever yet?

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Quiz topic: Which Harvey Girl am I? (girls only!)

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