Which group member are you

Well basically this quiz isn't meant for anyone but some people I know IRL. A test to see if they are who they appear to be, or someone else. Just testing to see how these people act in real life compared to how they act after they can think about if for a few minutes then answer.

ok guys, take this quiz but be honest...don't be like you would want others to think of you. Take your time to answer and answer truthfully, i have done my best to make this as good as possible.

Created by: nick

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You grew up in what lifestyle?
  2. Religion?
  3. You are randomly called up on a saturday night from a friend. They want to meet up. What to do?
  4. You look for your wallet...how much money do you have?
  5. You have one food to live on for the rest of your life....what is that food?
  6. Describe your personality in one word:
  7. what TV show?
  8. If you had one thing to take on an island...what would it be?
  9. Choose your weapon:
  10. what would you most likely be found doing?

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Quiz topic: Which group member am I