Which Greek God are you? (Part2)

Hello! This is the second part of the first quiz, I whipped it up real fast. The results you can get on this quiz are... Hermes, The messenger god, Poseidon, the sea god...

...Hades, the Underworld god, and Hestia, goddess of fire. Hope you enjoy this one, have a good day, comment, and keep studying mythology and doing my quizzes. Bye

Created by: xXPrinceLokiXx
  1. Which time of day do you like the most?
  2. What's your eye color?
  3. What's your hair color?
  4. What's you favorite color?
  5. Which God/ goddess do you like the most?
  6. How big is your friend group?
  7. What's your favorite element?
  8. What's your gender?
  9. Do you watch MARVEL?
  10. What pet do you want?
  11. Do you want people to further create the human race?
  12. A bully is beating up your friend at school. What do you do?
  13. Bye

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Quiz topic: Which Greek God am I? (Part2)
