Which girl are you from Marvel's "The Gifted"?

Have you watched Marvel's "The Gifted"? It is an awesome show! Take this quiz in order to figure out which of the girls you are from this show! Have fun and good luck!

I love this show so much and i 100% recommend watching it! This is one of my ALL-TIME, ABSOLUTE FAVORITE shows ever! You can find this show on HULU (not my app)

Created by: Harmonee
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. When you get angry, what do you do?
  3. if your friends/family were in danger, you would...
  4. How do or would you react to a breakup?
  5. you hear a verbal fight. You have a feeling things will get physical soon, so, you...
  6. what is your favorite color???
  7. if you had a super power of these choices, what would it be???
  8. Pick your favorite clothing style down below!
  9. What do you do in your free time?
  10. Lastly, what would you do to help the world???

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Quiz topic: Which girl am I from Marvel's "The Gifted"?
