How much do you know about Friends?

Hey! So have you watched Friends? Maybe you just started, maybe you've been watching for years! Whatever it is, this quiz will tell you how much you know about the show!

Use what you know to answer all the questions correctly. I hope I didn't make any mistakes, and whatever your score says your still an awesome person! Good luck!!

Created by: Crazy_Horse_girl
  1. The name of the coffee center that they all hang out at..
  2. What game did Rachel want to play so she could kiss Josh?
  3. What was the kind of bed Phoebe accidentally ordered for Monica from the Mattress King?
  4. Ross's sister...
  5. What caused Joey and Chandler to be robbed?
  6. When Joey "asks a girl out" he says _______...
  7. Who spoils that Ross loves Rachel?
  8. Monica is a...
  9. What did Ross's monkey do that was unusual?
  10. On the one with the Black Out. Which model was with Chandler at the A.T.M Vestibule?
  11. What of these is not one of their last names?
  12. Who did Ross marry?
  13. How many people did Ross marry?
  14. What did Joey tell one of his students to do, so he wouldn't get a part?
  15. Did the student get the part?
  16. What are the apartment numbers?
  17. The pets Joey and Chandler adopted.
  18. What was the laundry detergent called that Ross brought to do laundry with Rachel?
  19. What is NOT of one of Chandler's girlfriends?
  20. True of False- Phoebe has never eaten meat.
  21. Who banged Ben's head on the wall?
  22. Who was secretly dating?
  23. The name of Joey's hired identical twin.
  24. Why didn't Phoebe want to go to the dentist?
  25. What was the episode called were Joey put on all of Chandler's cloths?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Friends?
