Which gen 1 starter pokemon are you

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find out which gen 1 starter pokemon you are, you will end up being either squirtle, charmander, or bulbasaur, this is my first quiz so dont hate to much.

this quiz will tell you which gen 1 starter pokemon you are, this is a short 10 quistion quiz, you will end up being either squirtle, charmander, or bulbasaur.

Created by: shotobeanboy
  1. which one of these describes you the best
  2. which element do you prefer.
  3. are you an introvert or an extrovert.
  4. which activity do you prefer.
  5. where do you prefer to find pokemon.
  6. which activity do you prefer.
  7. which color do you like the best.
  8. which activity do you like the best.
  9. when fighting in a pokebattle whats your game plan.
  10. which pokemon is your favorite.

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Quiz topic: Which gen 1 starter pokemon am I
