Which gemstone are you?

Welcome! Thank you for clicking on the link. Accomplish this quiz with no people with a higher score on your gemstone and you will become a lady or master!

Make sure you notice your percentage on the gemstone; so you can tell Lady Jewel (Maiya) your percentage when you ask to became a lady or master or you might lose your position.

Created by: Lady Aquamarine
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your birth month?
  3. What is one of your qualities?
  4. What is one more of your qualities?
  5. What is the last of your qualities?
  6. What is your favourite food?
  7. What is your favourite animal?
  8. What is your favourite super hero?
  9. What is your favourite mythical creature?
  10. What is your favourite genre of books?

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Quiz topic: Which gemstone am I?
