Which Gallagher Girl are you?

This is just something i did for fun so idk what questions to put so i dont really knw there fave colo onlyu come . andjdgSKDFHSDJhfjkdshgrhgdhgjgidhgih

gbhegtu yhuhndvjdhtuiyeuhv ehyfuhjbvhieuhtueyget jioehthvhgh ehiethhdhtihuugiu fusrbjbudihvjkuvhdujthuigvb duhuhdvjhbdgf bfhbdhbdghdhdbhdg hfdgfhdgfhdhhdgadhf.

Created by: Darkness
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you act like the most?
  2. Favorite Person?
  3. Favorite thing to do?
  4. Fave boy character?
  5. Gallagher Academy or Blackthorne
  6. Zach or Josh
  7. Fave Color?
  8. Mr.Solomon or Mr.Smith
  9. Fave Character
  10. Fave Book?

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Quiz topic: Which Gallagher Girl am I?