Which frog(with teeth)would you like to see?

So this is a random quiz and isn't supposed to be taken seriously. The answers are pretty random but might make sense to me anyway. This all spur of the moment and I'm bad at writing so yeah.

I hope you have fun. All these frogs have teeth be warned I guess so yeah randomized questions and paintings of frogs silly goody stuffs lol I hate the character limit

Created by: Teeth_Frogs
  1. Do you like green?
  2. What is you're favorite color?
  3. Do you like rocks?
  4. What vegetables would you be?
  5. How do you feel about frogs?
  6. Which of the following names are your favorite?
  7. Do you like cats?
  8. What about books
  9. Which frog do you want? (This question makes adds max points)
  10. Rabdom

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