Which FRIENDS Character Are You pt 2

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The One Where They Get Stuck In Quarantine. Idk, I miss you guys so much. Miss. Rona sucks. But hopefully yall like my quiz. I have to reach a character limit so I do just be typing.

I miss you guys so much. Hopefully you all like my quiz. I have to reach a character limit so I do just be typing. Gagagakekebababaskskskskskskkskkksu

Created by: Kaitlyn
  1. Your Myers-Briggs:
  2. Describe yourself in one word.
  3. How long was your emo phase?
  4. Best personality quiz?
  5. Zodiac
  6. Fav TV Show
  7. Where do you want to go / going to college?
  8. XD
  9. Color?
  10. Right, Left, or Foot

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Quiz topic: Which FRIENDS Character am I pt 2

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