Which friend are you? (Requested quiz)

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Hi! It's me again, Midnight! This is a requested quiz, meaning that my friends wanted me to make it. If you want me to make a quiz that would include an idea that you came up with, put it in the comments below please. Just so you know, I NEVER include real names in my quizzes. I would only do it if you beg on your knees. Which would just be weird. Read on to know about the quiz.

Midnight Tao: Kind, smart, beautiful girl. Makes quizzes. Henrietta: Kind, outrageously clever girl. Supports Midnights quizzes! :D Lili: Annoying but kind. In love with Ed Shearan. Alexandra: Kind, amazingly funny girl. Hates Midnight's quizzes. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Created by: Midnight Tao
  1. Whats your hair colour?
  2. What's your favourite song out of these choices?
  3. Whats you're favourite colour out of these?
  4. Which is your most outstanding personality?
  5. Are you a bookworm?
  6. Do you have a pet?
  7. Whats your favourite animal out of these?
  8. What do you do to relax?
  9. Can you get bored easily?
  10. Who do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Which friend am I? (Requested quiz)
