Which FNaF theories do you believe in?

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This contains: -Unproven theories -Theories you may not agree with -Theories in general -Not all theories. If you are OK with everything stated, feel free to take this quiz and others like it!

So, as you read, there may be some things you may not agree with. If there are any hate comments on this quiz, others like it, or the people who believe differently than you, they WILL be ignored, so don't even try. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: fnaffan
  1. MikeBro (Michael Afton is the older brother)
  2. MikeVictim (Mike is the Bite Victim)
  3. C.C. is Evan
  4. VanessaBeth (Vanessa is Elizabeth Afton)
  5. Terrence doesn't exist
  6. Terrence is Michael's real name
  7. C.C. possesses Golden Freddy
  8. Ms. Afton possesses Ballora
  9. Meltdown (Fnaf 1 was melted into SL)
  10. Gregory is C.C.
  11. William Afton is Glitchtrap/ Glitchtrap is a part of William's soul
  12. Ms. Afton is still alive
  13. The Toys are possessed
  14. The Glamrocks are possessed
  15. The Phantoms are the Missing Childrens' agony
  16. The Nightmares were set up by William to go after C.C./The Nightmares are real robots
  17. The "Silver Eyes", "Twisted Ones", and "Fourth Closet" are canon to the game lore, while Fazbear Frights is its own lore.
  18. GlamHenry (Glamrock Freddy is Henry)
  19. GlamMike (Glamrock Freddy is Michael)
  20. Michael is not dead, but he is immortal

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Quiz topic: Which FNaF theories do I believe in?
