Which DSMP Member are You?

Basically to see how much therapy you'll need in the future :D Also to see which DSMP character you are I guess. Says it right in the title wooooo. I have to make this description longer.

I'm kinda a b---- in the results ngl but yk what that's okay because I was projecting the whole time !! I'm not okay in the slightest :D Also this took me like a week pls appreciate it

Created by: J4YS00T
  1. What type of cursed Minecraft player are you?
  2. Pick a song lyric. b----.
  3. Pick an aesthetic
  4. Favorite color combination here?
  5. Pick an oddly specific situation
  6. Favorite candle scent?
  7. You see 5 objects in front of you. Which do you choose?
  8. Pick a yearning song. Doesn't matter what you're yearning for.
  9. Would you stop something from the past from happening if you could?
  10. If you had to ask yourself one question, what would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which DSMP Member am I?

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