Which Downworlder Are You?

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Do you have the power to save the world? How do you plan on doing it? find out what powers you posses and have you will save humanity. Find out how your powers will shine through.

Did you ever wonder if you had the powers of downworlders? There is more to being supernatural then simply loving wolves or warlocks. In a few minutes you can see what qualities you posses.

Created by: Canabalistic Mermaid

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. On a normal day, you tend to wear...
  2. You break an expensive vase, you...
  3. Your favorite color is...
  4. You are...
  5. If you could have any pet it would be...
  6. In your free time you tend to...
  7. Your favorite accessory is...
  8. Your favorite type of book is...
  9. Weapon of choice?
  10. If you could have one power, it would be...

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Quiz topic: Which Downworlder am I?