Which Disney princess are you?

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This fun quiz tells you which Disney princess you are!! You just need to answer all questions and we'll do the rest!! Just have fun and enjoy!! Please share!!

Hope you enjoy it!!! I hope you like your princess match and that you will think of her as your favourite Disney princess!!I hope you like your princess and that you enjoy!!

Created by: mrtna2010
  1. Are you a partier or would you stay home?
  2. Are you a girly girl Fanboy or neutral?
  3. Favourite colour ??
  4. Neon or Pastel?
  5. Super castle or mini cottage?
  6. Will you rather live your life scorching hot or freezing cold?
  7. Cactus or poppy?
  8. Reading or telly?
  9. Lots of friends or really little?
  10. Star Wars or Harry Potter?

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Quiz topic: Which Disney princess am I?
