Which Disney princess are you?

Which Disney princess are you? Find out here! Belle, Jasmine, Elsa and more!! It's so fun so come take this quiz or else the princesses will be mad so take it or else...

Yo yo yo it's Grammy in da house wassup my peeeps I like to eat rats!! OH s--- A RAT!!! Lol I'm so bored right now hagahavahagahavahah hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Created by: Gusty
  1. What are you doing on the weekends?
  2. Where would you like to go on vacation?
  3. Describe your prince in one word:
  4. What pet would you like?
  5. What kind of music do you like?
  6. What's your favorite color
  7. Do you want a dress?
  8. Rain or Sun?
  9. Do you like jazz?
  10. Last question: are you ready to see the results?

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Quiz topic: Which Disney princess am I?
