Which demigod are you out of the seven and Nico?

In this quiz there is the different questions you need to answer to determine what demigod you are out of Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase and Nico Di Angelo.

All of the seven characters (plus Nico) from the series "Hero's Of Olympus" the finale result will have some spoilers because I wrote a bit about them so just be careful! <3

Created by: Annabeth_Chase_X
  1. What is your favourite place to hangout with friends?
  2. Who do you dislike the most?
  3. Who is your godly Greek parent?
  4. What is your favourite colour?
  5. What is your favourite fictional character in Peppa Pig?
  6. What would you eat for breakfast?
  7. What is your favourite book?
  8. What weapon would you use?
  9. Who would you want to go on a quest with?
  10. What season?

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Quiz topic: Which demigod am I out of the seven and Nico?
