which deathless are you

ever wondered about infinity blade, what deathless you are? find out here. includes raidriar sayhdi ausar and the worker. get ready to turn invincible

are you evil, honourable, a tech genius or a info dealer. do you backstab,take over the world, enjoy a good fight or like to challenge people against monsters? find out

Created by: deathlesskirito
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. someone attacks you, you...
  2. what ever way you do it, you kill them what next
  3. another deathless trys to destroy you, you
  4. the ring of dragoor is found you
  5. a castle?
  6. sword?
  7. sheild?
  8. armour?
  9. accessory?
  10. title?
  11. bye

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Quiz topic: Which deathless am I