Which #Days couple are you?

Take this quizz to find out which Days of our lives couple you are from the younger generation.The results include #Stabi, #Cin, #Xarah #Ericole and #Bristen.

With so many couples onDays, it can be difficult to find one that resembles your relationship.Hope you'll have fun taking this quizz and you might be surprised by the results.

Created by: LanaDOOL
  1. Which color is your favorite?
  2. What do you fight about?
  3. Do you care about what Salemnites think of your relationship?
  4. What's your song?
  5. What gift do you give each other?
  6. Was it love at first sight?
  7. How would people describe you two?
  8. How often do you and your S.O. text during the course of the day?
  9. Choose a drink to share with your partner
  10. How do you imagine yourselves when you're old?

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Quiz topic: Which #Days couple am I?
