Which couple are you in Mobile Legends?

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Welcome guys,this is the quiz that you will know which couple are you in Mobile Legends. Mobile Legends is the game that you can download it on app store or play store.

I like playing Mobile Legends and my favorite heroes are Gusion,Dyrroth,Harith and Lesley. Hope we can play together one day. It's my first time doing this quiz but enjoy it~

Created by: LeonEmma
  1. What's your gender in Mobile Legends?
  2. Your favorite couple?
  3. Your favorite female hero?
  4. Favorite male hero?
  5. Do you think V.E.N.O.M squad is better than S.A.B.E.R?
  6. Which KOF skin is the best?
  7. Gusion is playboy?
  8. You crushing on who?
  9. In the game,what type of hero do you use?
  10. Ok,last question..Do you like Mobile Legends?

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Quiz topic: Which couple am I in Mobile Legends?

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