Which Conwell Are You?

This quiz is for fun so don't be sad or mad if you don't get the Conwell you like so choose wisely yes or no to this quiz its your choice not mine about it

I like that you can come and try my new quiz and make sure that if you are a sibling of a baby don't let him near it and go to a different place for sure

Created by: Cameron Mattice
  1. what's your iq
  2. What's your pick between these
  3. Goldbergs or Full House
  4. Do you like math
  5. What is your opinion on school
  6. Are you an Alcoholic
  7. Which Drink would you like
  8. What was your grades in school
  9. What is your Attendance Like
  10. When is your bedtime or close to bedtime of these
  11. When is your wake up time or close to wake up time of these
  12. Healthy or unhealthy
  13. Do you like to clean
  14. Do you make a lot of qoutes
  15. Do you like to read
  16. Do you get called a different name sometimes
  17. Do you whisper to yourself
  18. Last question which of these full house characters do you like the most

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Quiz topic: Which Conwell am I?

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