Which character of the departed are you?

There are many gangster people and there are many goodie goodies. There are afterall a lot lot lot of people in the world. The good and bad type. Some how we are all pretty good... i guess. But in my quiz its pretty much which bad guy are you?

So take my quiz. Which bad guy from my movie are you? Are you the mob, the slow person, the loser, who are you? Really. Who are YOU? TAKE ME QUIZ AND ME GOING TO TELLS YOU WHO YOU IS!!!

Created by: Maria
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you ever high?
  2. kill.
  3. and how do you feel about that?
  4. Steal
  5. work for FBI but really am a spy for the gangsters
  6. leather jackets rule!!!
  7. jfklja;lkjdf-- this is your life, yes or no
  8. have you seen the movie?
  9. your family is all dead. you have no body
  10. you like to get drunk
  11. last question, do you come from the ghetto or are u ghetto?

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Quiz topic: Which character of the departed am I?