Which Character From The Wood Eater Are You?

Welcome! This is a quiz on my fiction book “The Wood Eater”. Set in October-December 1992 in Aberdeen,Washington,its main character is the dorky yet rough Auburn Hillside,who is 20 years old.

There are 5 characters you could be: Auburn,Sophie,Caitlin,Barry,and Amber. If you feel your result is wrong or bothers you,remember,it’s just a quiz about a fictional book.

Created by: Ava Bleu
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you feel about Auburn if he was a real person?
  2. Which of these is your worst flaw?
  3. Which one of the “love interest” characters would you have as a love interest if you didn’t have one?
  4. You kissed your ex-husband/wife while drunk, how do you react?
  5. Which one of the following emotions do you experience the most often?
  6. Pick a quote?
  7. Pick a scene from the book?
  8. Which character do you find the most annoying?
  9. Which character would you like to be?
  10. And finally,which character would you least like to be?

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Quiz topic: Which Character From The Wood Eater am I?