Which Character Are You From Ginny and Georgia?

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I love the show Ginny and Georgia. Personally, my favorite character is Ginny but who am I most likely to be? This quiz is here exactly for that reason, for you to find out witch character you'd be.

There is a total of 10 options so they are most of the main characters. You will be asked different relationship questions and personality testing. Answer honestly if you want the closest to accurate answer.

  1. Are you a girl or boy?
  2. How is your relationship with your parents?
  3. Who ends your relationship?
  4. If your friend was to describe you in one word what would it be?
  5. How was your childhood?
  6. Your best trait in one word
  7. Most likely nickname to be called
  8. Which would you participate in?
  9. Which of these odd actions could you see yourself doing?
  10. Which mistake would you make in an relationship

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Quiz topic: Which Character am I From Ginny and Georgia?
