Which Beyblade Burst turbo are you

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This quiz will make you guess witch BEYBLADE burst turbo are you by answering questions in it.In the end we’ll show you the result and witch character are you

Also this quiz you can share it with you’re friend show him witch character are you and witch character he/she is just answer the question to show you the result

Created by: Fatima
  1. How do you describe yourself
  2. What’s your favorite color
  3. Are you good in school
  4. Do you love animals
  5. Which type of animals do love
  6. If you lose what do you do
  7. If you’re fighting you’re best friend what do you do
  8. Do you love friends
  9. If you’re friend is encouraging an Evel person you tell him but he don’t trust you what do you do
  10. If you’re friend become Evel sometimes what do you do

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Quiz topic: Which Beyblade Burst turbo am I
