which beet character are you?

there are many chacters in the world of beet selecting a few: beet poal slade milfa kissu which one are you most like fin d out now in this quiz anjoy

Ever wonder what beet character you are? .Beet .Poala .Kissu .Slade .milfa or just a normal pearon well find out now in this 12 question test good luck and ansear truthfully

Created by: Coverdark123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. in the face of danger you would...
  2. if one of your teamates was sick/ wounded badly you would
  3. you find out youve been betrayed the pearson trys to help you, you...
  4. you have o chose between losing a pearson to the dark side and killing them you...
  5. your weapon is:
  6. your new gear includes...
  7. booo!!!!!!
  8. VANDEL!!!
  9. your fav colour?...
  10. wiil u rate (no affect)

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Quiz topic: Which beet character am I?