Which Beatle do you resemble?

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Have you aver wondered what member of the revolutionary band, The Beatles, you are most like? Do you like the band? Do you want a personality to know you match?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, you should take this quiz! It helps you learn about the Beatles and tells you why you are like your result!

Created by: Beatle Obsessed
  1. Out of these songs, you prefer-
  2. In a band, you would prefer to-
  3. Say your group of friends were trying LSD, a drug. You would-
  4. You prefer ___________ music.
  5. Which of the following does your attitude match?
  6. Why would you try drugs?
  7. How do you feel about being he leader?
  8. Why would you invite someone to join your band?
  9. Which is your favorite Beatle? (Not much effect at all)
  10. Which Beatle do you think you will get? (Honestly!)

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Quiz topic: Which Beatle do I resemble?