Which Arc 2 dragonet are you? WoF

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Hello! This is a quiz to test out what Jade Winglet Dragonet you are! I threw in a couple random questions so I hope it turns out Ok! Thank you all for taking this quiz!

Once again I give credit to the artists I use the art of. they are so amazing and they truly do something that I could never do. Thanks again! -OrbWeaverTheHiveWing

Created by: OrbWeaverTheHiveWing
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. You try to approach a dragon you like. How do you do it?
  3. Your favorite food is...?
  4. At the movies the snack I bring is...
  5. I sleep on...
  6. I am....
  7. The tribe I want to be is...
  8. My favorite barely mentioned characters are...
  9. I support
  10. I would rather have (as pet)...

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Quiz topic: Which Arc 2 dragonet am I? WoF
