Who in the jade winglet are you?

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This quiz is to help you figure out which dragonet in the jade winglet you are! Hope you enjoy this quiz and see you at the very, very, end! ENJOY! (Phases to the end)

Now This is my first quiz, so I don't know how well it will work! All I hope is that you are happy with your outcome! It will only work if your truthful!

Created by: Peril
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite thing to do?
  3. I ship Winterwatcher! What's your reaction? (I don't rlly)
  4. Darkstalker arrives!
  5. What is your personality?
  6. Your gender?
  7. What's your eye color?
  8. Your ability?
  9. Your favorite queen?
  10. FINALLY how did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who in the jade winglet am I?
