Which animalvill character are you

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This is just imaginary characters that me and my bro made up don’t think much of it anyways crady is cute blue fox is blue eyyyyyyyyyyy raccoon gamer is still in fall and pink fox is pink

Welcome too the source horse here you can find research and talked to me and give me money oh only have a penny let me raise your horse payment too $1,000.00

Created by: Source horse
  1. What’s your favorite animal
  2. What’s your favorite color
  3. What’s your least favorite animal
  4. Who do you hope too get
  5. What’s your favorite building in animalvill
  6. Who is your favorite citizen
  7. What’s your favorite game
  8. What’s your favorite sport
  9. Do you like the quiz
  10. Do you want more
  11. Last one what’s your favorite type of shirt

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Quiz topic: Which animalvill character am I
