Which animal fits your personality???

This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. I made this for animal lovers. This quiz should be fun, if not, try again! Tell me how good the quiz was in the comments.

Please be respectful and kind to others. No rude/inappropriate language. If anyone has any suggestions feel more than welcome to tell them all to me. Remember the most important thing: HAVE FUN!!!

Created by: Alaina Daily
  1. What would you do on a Friday night?
  2. Do you like sports?
  3. What animal is your favorite?
  4. Describe your personality
  5. How are you today?
  6. Do u like school?
  7. Are you popular?
  8. Do you want to travel?
  9. Do you like to be comfy or fancy?
  10. Stay up late or go to bed early?

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Quiz topic: Which animal fits my personality???
