Which amusement park ride is right for you?

Ever been curious about what amusement park ride would be best for you? Well, I have and this quiz will give you an reasonable result. I have loved amusement parks all my life and I hope this will be fun for everyone.

Ready to find out your ideal amusement park ride? Have fun and be sure to leave me a comment on what u thought of it. if u have any ideas about how i could make it better please let me know. Thanx and good luck!!!

Created by: Rebekkah
  1. Your crush just asked you if you might want to hangout sometime. You,
  2. Time to re-decorate your room. What main color you choose?
  3. You trip going down stairs at school. What is your reaction?
  4. Quick! Pick a number.
  5. Out of these four songs pick one.
  6. Pick a vehicle.
  7. You're at your basketball game and it all comes down to this. There is only 5 secs left and you have the ball. Everyone is screaming at you. What will most likely happen?
  8. What type of movie is your fav?
  9. Once you get to an amusement park, what is the first thing you normally want to do?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (no effect)

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