Which Abyssal Treasury character r u thing

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I genuinely do not feel like writing such a long and miserable paragraph sentence copy and paste list uh uh uh thing essay on why this quiz should be viewed so instead you get my terrible grammar

Just a mipy just a skrunkly just a silly I’m a silly guy you can’t hurt silly guys now can you, fella bud ol friend ol buddy ol pal??????? That’s what I thought uwu

Created by: chiffon / longan
  1. cough
  2. meow
  3. Anyways jokes aside, Favorite color? :}
  4. Now, Sea Serpent favorite character listed?
  5. Which role below would you rather be the most?
  6. Which sea related creature listed is your favorite?
  7. How would you closest describe yourself?
  8. Quiz is ending soon!!!!!!1! Opinion
  9. BYEEE
  10. e

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