Which 6th{Fruit} member are you?

This quiz is to see which member are you in the famous squad of Willow View Academy. This is really unnecessary but whatever... This website wants me to write this

Please do the quiz, I took so much time creating it and I want to know your results. FROM BANANA REPUBLIC P.S Enjoy your quarantine, there is no matric of 2021 so stop saying that stupid stuff

Created by: Ciko Ndlovu
  1. What is your favorite colour?
  2. What genre of music is your favourite?
  3. Between these, what is your favorite stripper name?
  4. Favourite Season?
  5. Choose an element
  6. Cats or Dogs?
  7. Introvert or Extrovert?
  8. Choose one
  9. Choose a Grade 12 romantic ship
  10. Be Honest, which member are you closest with?
  11. How is your love life doing?
  12. If you fail a test, what is your initial reaction +
  13. What is your fear?
  14. Would you lick Shawn Mendes (Face)?
  15. Choose a random Grade 12
  16. Choose a Zodiac Sign
  17. Spicy or Mild
  18. What quality do you want in a partner?
  19. Sea or Mountains
  20. ( Let's be deep 😁) Would are you the least closest with?
  21. Last one, tea of coffee

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Quiz topic: Which 6th{Fruit} member am I?
