Where Will You Go When You Die?

The ultimate question: Where will you go when you die? Will it be Valhalla, land of vikings and valkyries? Or Heaven, land of angels and perfect people? Or perhaps Hell, the land of eternal flames and evil.

This is as much a spiritual question as an intellectual one. If you take this quiz, you'll see what I mean.

Created by: Dan Berrington
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What're your religious beliefs?
  2. What's your occupation?
  3. How sinful are you?
  4. What is your favorite thing to do?
  5. Do you agree with this statement: "One should try to follow the path of good, but if necessary, should follow the path of evil"
  6. You have the opportunity to say something to Hitler. What is it?
  7. What did/will you major in in college?
  8. Life is good
  9. A genie will grant you one wish. What is it?
  10. Dream job

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Quiz topic: Where will I Go When You Die?