Where should you go for your vacation?

Do you sometimes have difficulties with choosing the right vacation for you? If yes, feel free to take this quiz and based on your result, let me suggest you the right destination for you! 💕

So, would it be all about sunbathing on a beach? Or are you hungry for knowledge about history and foreign cultures? Or are you the one who seeks escape from people? We will see...

Created by: STELLA
  1. Hello. First, what is your biggest pet peeve?
  2. It is weekend! Hurraaaay! What are you going to do?
  3. What is/was your school like?
  4. Which one is your favourite type of weather?
  5. Could you walk for hours days and days in row?
  6. What do you like eating for lunch?
  7. A perfect evening?
  8. What language do you like the most based on its sound or pronunciation?
  9. What are the most important things to pack on vacation?
  10. And last, where would you like to travel?

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Quiz topic: Where should I go for my vacation?
