Whats your name?

Okay I made a mistake on this quiz name it actually name "What should your name be?" I meant sorry well anaywas if your want to know what name should be yours then good luck

What should your name be? Want to know? okay you will know in a couple of minutes hope you like it I spent 2 hours on this to make it great and My sister Amy helped me with it so ya

Created by: chatterbox12
  1. Are you shy?
  2. Are you girly?
  3. Are you emo?
  4. what's your favorite color?
  5. Do you like sports?
  6. Are you sweet and protective?
  7. Are you in love?
  8. Do you like to dance?
  9. Are you a chatterbox or lil miss sunshine, or lil miss giggles, or lil miss shy
  10. Do you like this quiz so far? (honest please)
  11. Gonna rate?
  12. Comment (have no effects)

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Quiz topic: Whats my name?