Whats Your Five Nights At Freddys Name?

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there are chica, bonnie, freddy and foxy but who are you? in this quiz find out who you are in the five nights and freddys game so click up there to find out!

have you figured out who you are in five nights at freddys well this quiz can! whats your name in this hit horror video game!so good luck to you all and I hope you like it!

Created by: adriana436
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what animal are you?
  2. what is your fave color?
  3. what theme song would you pick?
  4. what character do you think you are?
  5. if you were a monster what would you be?
  6. what would you do if Jason was chasing you?
  7. what would you rather do?
  8. if you could save ONE thing what would it be?
  9. how much so you like five nights at freddys?
  10. how do you describe your self?
  11. did you like this quiz?

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