What your dream guy?

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This quiz shows you what you want and expect from your dream guy. This quiz describes everything you would want in a guy. Do you like the smarts, the look, etc? Then this quiz is for you!

Think about your crush, and make him better. If he is already at perfection, then describe him. If you are thinking about your future guy, then this quiz is for you! Got get him tiger! Enjoy!

Created by: Bailey
  1. What is your dream guy's looks
  2. What is his personality?
  3. What kind of clothing does he wear?
  4. What is his best feature
  5. What do you notice first in a guy?
  6. Were would be you ideal date?
  7. Why did you take this quiz?
  8. What hair style do you want him to have?
  9. What eye color?
  10. What hobby?

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Quiz topic: What my dream guy?
