What would you do on the DreamSMP?

Hello! this is one of my more detailed quizzes! its pretty simple, and kind of boring, but here you go DreamSMP fans, you can see what you'd be like visiting!

This is just a fun little quiz, so don't be suprised by any results! its mostly just if you do the right thing, you'll be more of a good person, vice-versa.Enjoy! <3

Created by: Woofaboo of I like Ranboo so here have Twitch >:)
(your link here more info)
  1. Tommy runs over to you, asking you to do a favour. He asks if you could give his new sheep, Friend, to Ranboo since he was busy.
  2. You are out getting resources and Philza walks toward you with Techno and a flock of crows behind them. They stop and look at you for a while before moving again. Whats your impression now?
  3. You ask Foolish for help building and he says if you would pay him 10 iron, he will build you the house you want. You have 14 iron right now, do you pay him?
  4. Philza is trapped in a box surrounded by Tommy, Ranboo, and Drista. You assume they did it. Do you try and help Phil out?
  5. Ghostbur and Glatt are sitting under a tree in the rain. They melt in rain since they are ghosts. Ghostbur asks if you could help in any way, do you?
  6. Its day again, and you see Ghostbur staring at the ruins of L'manberg. He has a bad memory, but he does remember some stuff. He must remember he blew it up. You feel bad, but what do you do?
  7. You're sitting on Tommy and Tubbo's bench when Tommy sits down and puts on a music disc. It's Mellohi. He looks at you and asks why you're on the bench. What do you say?
  8. DreamXD floats over to you and gives you flowers. He asks if you could deliver them to George in Kinoko Kingdom. Just like when Tommy asks about Friend, what do you do with the flowers?
  9. Jack Manifold told you that he was stealing a sheep. You didn't realize what sheep until Ranboo and Tommy rushed over to you, asking if you knew where Friend was. They had only recently got it back, and you know it was Jack. What do you tell them?
  10. Finally, you have to choose one person to hate you. You've done something to upset them, and they want revenge. Out of these people, who would it most likely be?

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