What would you do if (epic!)

Have you wondered what you would do in certain situations? I have. This is totally epic and just for fun. I hope you never actually run into these situations, especially the one in question 11.

Answer honestly, people. Even though a couple of the answers are totally cool or whatever, answer honestly for honest results. If you ever get into these situations, I will not be held responsible.

Created by: Carrie J
  1. You get pulled into a dark alley by someone and they put their hand over your mouth. They've got a knife. You...
  2. A huge ugly demon storms through your hometown. You have a sword. You...
  3. You are trapped in a house full of ghosts. You...
  4. The government has been taken over by some dictator. You...
  5. Your cruise ship starts taking on water. You...
  6. You suddenly gain psychic powers. You...
  7. You're on a small ledge inside a volcano. There is lava below. You...
  8. A vulture swoops down on you. You...
  9. Your mom makes meatloaf for dinner. You...
  10. Someone threatens that if you do not rate or comment, they will yell at you in the comments. You...

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