What Wizard101 school are you?

In a dimension far away is the Spiral. A world of magic and mythology, full of wizards and creatures of all sizes. Forms of magic beyond what Earth will ever experience. And now you are able to become the wizard you've always wanted to be!

There are seven schools: Balance, Fire, Storm, Ice, Life, Myth, and Death. And as a fighter and hero of the Spiral, you will have to take up your wand and become the wizard you need to be.

Created by: Jennifer
  1. Do you dance
  2. Do you sing
  3. Do you do puzzles or play chess?
  4. Do you do any arts and crafts?
  5. Cool colors or warm colors?
  6. Are/Were your grades B average or above?
  7. Do you do any volunteering?
  8. Are you a writer?
  9. Are you a scientist or do you like science?
  10. Are you a fan of poetry?
  11. Are you a fan of telling stories?
  12. Are you:

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Quiz topic: What Wizard101 school am I?