what wings of fire tribe do you belong too?

hello! this quiz is about what wings of fire tribe you are! you can either be a skywing nightwing icewing seawing mudwing sandwing or rainwing!! please dont lie and answer the questions truth fully

im really glad your taking the quiz! and i hope you dont lie because you want to be a rainwing or whatever its ok if you havent read the books yet!! sorry if you dont get the one you want!! enjoy!!

Created by: kaya
  1. how would you fight
  2. if you were a dragon what would you eat?
  3. where is your dream place to live?
  4. which sandwing queen would you pick?
  5. how many friends do you have??
  6. what ability do you want?
  7. what do you want to be remembered as when you die?
  8. if someone is bullying your friend what do you do??
  9. which one is your fav wings of fire book
  10. do you like reading?

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire tribe do I belong too?
