(WOF) Wings of Fire, Which Tribe are you?

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Welcome to the What Tribe are you? quiz! This is public so anyone can try! Have fun! (Idk wat else to say except-) M!RP Please answer honestly otherwise it's not fun.

Possible Results: Mudwing, sandwing, rainwing, seawing, nightwing, icewing, skywing, silkwing, leafwing, or hivewing. M!RP Happy Holidays! M!!!!!!!!RP

Created by: AJ
  1. What Tribe is your favorite?
  2. Element?
  3. Favorite dragonet of destiny?
  4. Favorite Alternate dragonet of destiny
  5. Color?
  6. Favorite name for a dragon?
  7. Food?
  8. Opinion on sand wing queen?
  9. Favorite place?
  10. How did you like the quiz? (Not counting towards you score)

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Quiz topic: (WOF) Wings of Fire, Which Tribe am I?
