What will you be when you grow up?

Hello and welcome to this short quiz. If you don't know your true self or what you want to be when you grow up? Take this quiz to find out the answer.

Of course, answers are limited, but results will show similar jobs to your personality. The rules are simple. Take the quiz answer the questions, get your result.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. You are at the park and see a kid fall off the monkey bars. What do you do?
  2. A friend challenges you to a cook off. What do you say?
  3. You trying to draw something but you mess up.
  4. Someone is robbing a bank. What do you do?
  5. Someone asks you a question you don't have the answer to.
  6. You get a huge canvas for your birthday.
  7. True or false, you are a scaredy cat.
  8. True or false, I hate spiders.
  9. Are you up for a race?
  10. Thank you for doing the quiz!

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Quiz topic: What will I be when you grow up?
