What way will you perish?

i dont wanna put anyhting here... ftygtdrfyrtdfghstrdghzrydxfjgvhhuijololpwaesrdzxrctvybtfcgvhjbfcghhgbjvgvhbjnkjhgfrdesedghjhkbgfcvghjjugvhjbkhbjnjkhbkkj

im not putting anything here... aesdfxcghjiserydtufiyguihjawexryctvybunijedsfxcgtghjgfdsdfghfgvhbjnfyughjkghbjniujkiuhftgtygfhjcfgvhbjfghjuygjfghjkhuigyftyghbjn

Created by: wild
  1. Pick a color
  2. Pick a weapon.
  3. Who would you save?
  4. Pick a place.
  5. Pick an element.
  6. Pick a number of people to save.
  7. What would you take?
  8. no
  9. yes
  10. haha
  11. haha

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Quiz topic: What way will I perish?
